Our Residents


There are none more qualified than our lovely Residents to share their personal experience of ‘Wivenhoe Life’. Generous and supportive they are by far our greatest assets and advocates for retirement living.

Read their stories below.

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Paul Sealey

Music runs in the family for our resident muso, Paul Sealey. His Father was a singer who drove a tourist bus through the Blue Mountains, singing to all the passengers and his Mother was an accomplished pianist. At 5 years of age Paul had started with the harmonica and his love for music grew from there…

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michael & mary keppel

In April 2017 I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Even the initial diagnosis was helped by a resident who had noticed a distinct tremor while I was conducting our monthly wine tasting and asked, “Have you got Parkinson’s”. I had never considered I could have Parkinson’s…

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peter & sandra watkins

Peter and Sandra Watkins moved into Wivenhoe Village just over 12 months ago, and at odds with the usual perception of “village residents”, are both still working. Peter works full time as a Blended Learning Designer at the University of Western Sydney (UWS) and Sandra works part time in the university sector…

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fred mccarthy

It had been a year since the passing of his wife and Fred McCarthy was beginning to feel restless. The ongoing maintenance of the old family home in Ingleburn, with its extensive gardens and in-ground pool was causing extra stress and the friendly neighbourhood he loved was gradually changing…

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mick & fran collins

Having lived in the Macarthur area since the seventies, Mick and his wife Fran had already built strong ties within the community. In 1975, Mick opened his panel beating and spray painting business in nearby Moorebank which became his pride and joy for the next 35 years…

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john & margaret shanks

Some people think when you come to live in a village it’s the end of life – nothing could be further from the truth according to John & Margaret Shanks. As a keen gardener, Margaret was determined to find something that catered to the needs of her green thumb…

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alan & marj anderson

You might say that farming is in the genes for Alan Anderson so to speak. Born on the land to a farming family, it seemed only natural that he continue with the tradition. Alan has always had a passion for farming animals and so the idea of moving into retirement living…